Coinbase®® Wallet® Extension®®

Coinbase®® Wallet® Extension®® | Getting Started. The Coinbase® Extension® seamlessly integrates with leading web browsers, transforming your browsing

Using Coinbase Wallet Extension

Viewing Your Assets

Upon logging in, you'll see the main dashboard displaying your cryptocurrency balances. Coinbase Wallet supports various digital assets, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and ERC-20 tokens. The dashboard offers a clear overview of your holdings, facilitating easy portfolio management.

Sending Cryptocurrency

To send cryptocurrency, go to the "Send" section. Enter the recipient's address, specify the amount, and confirm the transaction. Ensure all details are correct before proceeding to avoid errors.

Receiving Cryptocurrency

To receive funds, navigate to the "Receive" section to find your wallet address. Share this address with the sender to receive cryptocurrency into your Coinbase Wallet.

Exploring Transaction History

Keep track of your transactions through the transaction history feature. This helps you monitor all incoming and outgoing transactions, providing transparency and control over your funds.

Interacting with Decentralized Applications (dApps)

Interact with various dApps directly from your browser. Coinbase Wallet lets you explore dApps related to finance, gaming, marketplaces, and more, seamlessly integrating you into the decentralized ecosystem.

Swapping Tokens

The wallet includes a built-in token swap feature. Select the tokens you want to swap, review the conversion rate, and confirm the transaction, making it easy to exchange tokens without leaving the wallet interface.

Security Best Practices

Protecting Your Seed Phrase

Never share your seed phrase. Store it offline in a secure place like a safe or a secure password manager. Your seed phrase is the key to your wallet, and its security is paramount.

Enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Activate two-factor authentication for additional security. 2FA requires a second verification step, helping to prevent unauthorized access to your wallet.

Regular Updates

Keep your Coinbase Wallet extension updated to benefit from the latest security features and improvements. Updates often include essential security patches.

Phishing Awareness

Be aware of phishing attempts. Always ensure you're accessing the Coinbase Wallet through the official website or app. Never enter your seed phrase on any site or app other than Coinbase Wallet.


By following these steps, you can securely set up and manage your Coinbase Wallet extension. It offers an efficient way to handle your cryptocurrency portfolio and engage with the decentralized web. Coinbase Wallet is designed to provide a secure, user-friendly experience for all your digital asset needs. Whether you're sending and receiving cryptocurrency, exploring dApps, or swapping tokens, Coinbase Wallet simplifies the process while keeping your assets safe. Welcome to Coinbase Wallet—your reliable gateway to the world of cryptocurrency, ensuring complete control and peace of mind for your digital finances.

Last updated